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Vljudno vabljeni k prijavi na BIP« How to speak about Gender and Sexuality in Family Medicine (3 ECTS)« , ki bo potekal  v terminu 12.5.- 17. 5. 2024 na Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Avstrija .

Vsebina :

The programme is divided into 4 online teaching entities consisting of 22 units each, followed by an on-site visit to Linz consisting of 32 units.

The following topics will be covered in the online sessions:

Johannes Kepler University (Institute of General Medicine) - Empathetic Dialogues: Addressing Sexual Health in Family Medicine.

University of Zagreb - Gender Equality

University of Maribor - Gender-Based Violence

University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia - Spanish Policy on Gender Equality

An On-Site visit to Linz is planned for the students and mentors of the collaborating universities, which will be hosted by the Institute of General Practice from Johannes Kepler University. The

collaborative initiative employs a dynamic approach, integrating online modules and on-site experiences to comprehensively educate medical students. At the conclusion of the program, participants are expected to possess a profound understanding of the pivotal roles gender and sexual health play in the realm of family medicine. This initiative not only enriches medical education but also fosters cross-cultural knowledge exchange among esteemed institutions.

Primary outcomes:

  1. Enhanced Understanding of Gender and sexual Health

2.Understanding of Gender Equality Principles and Diversity

  1. Increased Awareness of Gender-Based Violence
  2. Knowledge of Spanish Policy on Gender Equality
  3. Effective communication skills
  4. Cross-Cultural Competence

Secondary Outcomes:

  1. Satisfaction and Engagement of participants evaluation
  2. Long-Term Impact on Clinical Practice
  3. Collaborative Network Strengthening
  4. Educational Resource Development
  5. Program scalability and feasibility into other medical curricula
  6. 6. Alumni impact

Virtual component timing Before and after

Virtual component description There will be 4 teaching entities that happen at the beginning of the programme, where each university will be conducting online sessions for their respective subject. After the on-site visit to Linz the students will be asked to fill in a feedback form about the programme itself which will be submitted online.

Application link:

Download this file (IMAGE_3.png)IMAGE_3.png[ ]149 kB

Dear students,

We are pleased to announce the first two Summer Schools of the UoC Medical School for 2024!

1. Summer School "Dementia for medical students: Improving knowledge/developing skills of pregraduate students to manage dementia"

Coordinating Department / Laboratory: Department of Neurology, Medical School University of Crete

The summer school "Dementia for medical students" aims to expose medical students to the challenges of detecting cognitive dysfunction and caring for patients with neurodegenerative disorders. This offers an opportunity to showcase the interdisciplinary approach employed in dementia care to optimize health outcomes. At the same time, students will be educated on the most recent developments in research for neurodegenerative disorders.
The structure of the program entails both clinical practice and hands-on laboratory experience and lectures by distinguished scientists running in parallel. A total of 16 medical students will be practicing in groups in the departments involved in this summer school (Neurology, Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Social Medicine) and the Laboratories of the University of Crete, Medical School (Neurogenetics/Neurodegenerative Disorders, Pharmacology, Pathology). At the same time, the group will attend courses by experts in the field of dementia.

Application deadline: January 31, 2024

Location: School of Medicine, University of Crete, Heraklion Crete and University Hospital of Heraklion

Dates: July 8- 13, 2024

Please read more here:

  1. Summer School on Applied Respiratory Physiology

    Coordinating Department / Laboratory: Department of Intensive Care, Medical School University of Crete

    The course is directed to medical students who have completed the 3rd year of their studies and have taken courses on respiratory physiology and pathophysiology. The aim of the course is to provide an in-depth understanding of respiratory physiology and its implications in health, in exercise and extreme environments, disease, and mechanical ventilation.

    The hands-on sessions will allow students to visualize and comprehend the basic physiology and familiarize them with the use of cardiopulmonary exercise testing, polysomnography. Finally using a lung simulator the students will learn the basic principles of setting and adjusting a mechanical ventilator to support a critically ill patient with respiratory failure. All courses will be given by experts in adult respiratory and intensive care medicine.

    Application deadline: April 30, 2024

    Location: School of Medicine of the University of Crete and University Hospital of Heraklion, Intensive Care Unit, Heraklion Crete

    Dates: July 8 – 12, 2024

    Please read more here:

We are looking forward to welcoming your students!

Best regards,

-- Stella Melina Vasilaki International and Public Relations DepartmentErasmus+ Programme | School of MedicineUniversity of Crete tel. +30 2810 394010email: