Medicinska fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru


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Podiplomski študij


September 2012


OR-EL Organska elektronika d.o.o. (OR-EL) is a Slovenian start-up company founded in 2009 and located in the Primorski Technology Park of Nova Gorica. The company aims at the development of portable diagnostic tools based on organic LEDs technology. 


Within the FP7 European MNT ERA Consortium OLED-CHIP we are developing a portable multiparametric device for the diagnosis of viral infections. In collaboration with the Laboratory of Molecular Virology of the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) located in Trieste, a partner of the OLED-CHIP Consortium, we will establish the virological components of the device that include virally infected cells’ extracts and antibody detection of viral antigens.


We are seeking an enthusiastic and motivated young researcher that will be working at both institutions. The successful candidate will have experience in cellular/molecular biology at the post-graduate level with a strong commitment to translate basic research into practical applications. Since the tool integrates various components it is expected that the candidate interact with scientists with different backgrounds ranging from biology to physics, chemistry and bioengineering. The position is for three years and is restricted to Slovenian nationals fluent in English.



 Contact persons:



Dr. Patrizia Melpignano

Managing Director

OR-EL d.o.o.

Primorski tehnološki park d.o.o.
Mednarodni prehod 6, Vrtojba
5290 Šempeter pri Gorici


Phone: +386 70 411 896

            +39 348 3626473










Dr. Alessandro Marcello

Head, Laboratory of Molecular Virology

International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)

Padriciano, 99 - 34149 Trieste


Phone: +39 040 375 7384

Email: marcello@icgeb.or


obveščamo vas, da bo v petek, dne 28. 9. 2012  v sklopu obveznosti prvega letnika podiplomskega študija Biomedicinska tehnologija potekala predstavitev Seminarja I, in sicer bo Matej BERNHARDT predstavil Seminar I z naslovom »Telesna aktivnost in nevarnost nenadne smrti«.


Mentor/tutor je prof. dr. Uroš POTOČNIK, moderator je doc. dr. Miha MARINŠEK.

Predstavitev bo potekala ob 8.30 uri v sejni sobi Interne klinike UKC Maribor, Ljubljanska ulica 5.


Vljudno vabimo vse študente podiplomskega študija in ostale na navedeno predstavitev.